ASU Polytechnic Campus / Lake|Flato Architects and RSP
에 대한 디자인은 애리조나 주립대 산업 캠퍼스 풍경을 기념하는 사막의 초대 보행자 캠퍼스 변화에 기지를 폐쇄하고 프로그램의 정체성을 위해 새로 만든. 아스팔트와 콘크리트의 열네 에이커가 사막으로 사이트를 변환 제거되었습니다 옷가게 풍경. 스톰 물, 쇼핑몰에 걸쳐 구금 분지에서 캡처, 둔화되고 풍경을 영양하는 데 사용. 전략은 기존의 구류 분지의 부하를 최소화하고 새로운 캠퍼스의 중심으로 토착 풍경을 설립했습니다.
좁은 건물 섹션, 음영 장치 및 태양광 발전 방향과 같은 목적 환경 전략은 공간의 90 %, 효과적으로 daylit로 열 부하를 줄이고 LEED 골드 등급에 기여할 수 있습니다. 노출 빌딩 시스템 및 지역 소재 팔레트 블록과 구멍 골판지 풍화 철강 캠퍼스의 직접적인 철학을 강화 직면로 로컬 공급 등 지상.
The design for the ASU Polytechnic Campus transformed a
decommissioned airbase into an inviting pedestrian campus that celebrates the
desert landscape and created a new identity for the program. Fourteen acres of
asphalt and concrete were removed to transform the site into a desert
landscaped mall. Storm water is slowed, captured in detention basins throughout
the mall, and used to nourish the landscape. The strategy minimized the load on
the existing detention basin and established an indigenous landscape as the
heart of the new campus.
By segmenting the program into five
buildings, the architects formed four shady courtyards linked by portals and
arcades, creating a cohesive pedestrian campus. The three largest buildings
turn their sides to the east and west protecting the courtyards and atria from
the seasonal monsoons. These shady, open-air atria provide environmentally sensitive
social spaces that maximize visibility, daylighting, and the sense of community
while minimizing energy usage by significantly eliminating interior conditioned
circulation space.
Architects: Lake|Flato Architects and RSP Architects
Location: Mesa, Arizona, USA
Project Team: Ted
Flato, FAIA, Andrew Herdeg, AIA, Chris Krajcer, Matt Wallace (Lake|Flato Architects),
Joe Tyndall, Beau Dromiack, John Williams, Chris Doran, John Grosskopf (RSP Architects)
General Contractor: DPR
Landscape Architect: Ten Eyck
MEP Engineer: Energy Systems Design
Structural Engineer: Paragon
LEED Consultant: Green Ideas
Civil Engineer: Wood Patel & Associates
Acoustics: McKay Conant Brook
AV: Jeremiah & Associates
Cost Estimating: Rider Hunt Levett & Bailey
Fire & Life Safety: Rolf Jensen & Associates
Geotechnical: Speedie & Associates
Lab Consultant: RFD
ADA Consultant: Robert
Client: Arizona State University
Photographs: Bill Timmerman
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